James A. Michener

 James A. Michener 's Books

A very well recieved series by James A. Michener are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Mexico, The World Is My Home: A Memoir, Sayonara, Chesapeake, The Novel, Rascals in Paradise, Return to Paradise, Presidential Lottery: The Reckless Gamble in Our Electoral System, The Source, Poland, Space, Caravans, Creatures of the Kingdom: Stories of Animals and Nature, Iberia, Hawaii, The Watermen: Selections From Chesapeake, Report of the County Chairman, The Covenant, The Bridges at Toko-ri, Matecumbe, Journey: A Novel, Centennial, Sports in America, Texas, Miracle in Seville, This Noble Land: My Vision for America, Tales of the South Pacific, Bridges at Toko-Ri, Space: A Novel, Presidential Lottery, Sayonara: A Novel, This Noble Land, The Covenant: A Novel, Miracle in Seville: A Novel, The Bridge at Andau, Source, The Source: A Novel, Journey, Recessional: A Novel, Legacy: A Novel, The Bridges at Toko-Ri: A Novel, Poland: A Novel, which was published in 2022.